The Advanced Settings option that opens the Slide Size Settings window where you can select one of the available presets or set a Custom size specifying the desired Width and Height values. one of the two quick-access presets - Standard (4:3) or Widescreen (16:9),.To change the size of all the slides in the presentation, click the Select slide size icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary option from the drop-down list.The selected color scheme will be highlighted in the list and applied to all the slides. To change a color scheme, click the Change color scheme icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary scheme from the drop-down list. Color Schemes affect the predefined colors used for the presentation elements (fonts, lines, fills etc.) and allow you to maintain color consistency throughout the entire presentation.To change the selected theme for one or more slides, you can right-click the selected slides in the list on the left (or right-click a slide in the editing area), select the Change Theme option from the contextual menu and choose the necessary theme. The selected theme will be applied to all the slides if you have not previously selected certain slides to apply the theme to.

To select a theme for the presentation, click on the necessary predefined theme from the themes gallery on the right side of the top toolbar on the Home tab. Themes allow you to quickly change the presentation design, notably the slides background appearance, predefined fonts for titles and texts and the color scheme that is used for the presentation elements.It's also possible to add explanatory notes to each slide that can be helpful when demonstrating the presentation in the Presenter mode. To customize your presentation in the Presentation Editor, you can select a theme, color scheme, slide size and orientation for the entire presentation, change the background fill or slide layout for each separate slide, apply transitions between the slides.